Manga submission from manga artists/Writer who dedicate their passion and skills to create unique Manga stories and  characters.







Submitted by: Jade Michael Paez







 the story is all about music,passion and dreams,and rock n roll. 

 it includes a genre of mixed comedy and romance as well as action.
 the story's main goal especially for the main characters is to reach their goal.
 their goal to perform live on stage with real crowds and bodyguards. 
 but before that might happen. they'll face many trials and challenges step by step
 and grow their spirits of friendship. hanna is one of the first to form their band together with jiro.
but making a band makes it so hard especially when it comes to finding  members.
 but as the story goes further,its not music that RnR the whole story now. its how the relationship of
friendship within the two main characters evolve as they began to get closer and closer.